Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Why austerity feels better

I tended to diverge away to more "happy and fun" things in life whenever this topic used to turn up. Why would anyone even want to not feel anything? (Well, unless we are Spock). If we cannot feel anything, we might as well cease to exist. I think I can put up with a little bit of sadness for the sake of appreciating the good things that happen in my life.
But this is a huuuuge misconception! Austerity is lack of agitation, stimulation from the external. Not lack of feelings. And I realized this after .. umm.. a chain of events. Long story short. I was happy, then I was sad, then I was happy again, and then sad again and.. you get the idea. And when I say happy, I just mean agitated in a positive way. Which further means not being able to accept that your life is so good. 
So after a while even that happiness began to disturb me because I began to feel insecure about it.  
That is when I decided that something was terribly wrong with my life and I needed to fix it. 
But austerity? Seriously? Isn't that what the most boring people this planet follow? Not anymore! Since I am one of them now, and I refuse to be called boring. 
You don't have to take an exile from the world for that. You continue to do whatever that makes you happy and this time I don't mean agitated in a positive way. I mean really content with your life. (Like, I don't know, watching Star Trek). 
Just don't ever feel that you are doing better than you can probably expect from yourself. Outshining is your birthright. It is completely normal for you to do fantastic things. You deserve all the good things that are happening to you. You deserve the best. 

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